This five year strategy was reviewed and updated at our 2020 AGM.

STRATEGIC PLAN 2016 – 2021 Version 6
Finance and Governance
Financially sustainable – annual (1st April to 31st March) membership fee of $10, with show levy of $5 per show.
Ideally each show should be profitable or at least break-even; at least one grant successfully applied for per major show.
Committee membership of no less than 5 (not including President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer), with at least one being in the “NextGen” category.
Comply with current Health And Safety Law requirements as much as is reasonably practicable and maintain a H&S policies folder.
Financial reporting as per the requirement of the Incorporated Societies Act.
Ensure the ongoing upgrading and replacing of equipment (sound, lighting and staging) by providing $2000 per annum to be spent at the technical rep’s discretion.
Submit an annual operating budget to be adopted by the society at each Annual General Meeting.
Develop Business Sponsorship packages to help fund shows and run workshops.
Training and Education
Provision of at least one local youth workshop every year.
Support annual attendance of representatives to suitable workshops as and when available.
Financially support attendance by at least one society representative as our Delegate to all MTNZ annual conferences.
Attendance at Zone Meetings by at least 2 committee members.
Collaboration with other community groups such as the local high school and other theatre groups to ensure productions don’t clash.
Have at least one production each year that is non-musical.
Ensure that all relevant MTNZ production surveys and annual surveys are completed.
To be inclusive as possible with casting to ensure that our productions reflect the diversity of our community.
Support long term viability of the society by encouraging new members, and especially younger people, to participate in all aspects of theatre production.
Maintain and extend where possible the use of social media and our website.
Ensure a newsletter and newspaper advertisement is produced early each year that highlights activities of the society for the year.
Have a newsletter go out electronically that is at least quarterly.
Updated July 2020