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There are so many good reasons why you wuld want to be a member of Thames Music And Drama.  Whether you have aspirations to be a lead one day, want to help serve teas at half time or just want to ensure you don't miss our next great production.  Membership subscriptions were set at the 2020 AGM at a flat rate of only $10 per person per annum.  That's correct - you didn't read this wrong - ONLY $10. 

We want to keep membership as affordable and inclusive as possible.  Some of the benefits are:


  *  Regular e-newsletters to keep you abreast of what's going on.

  *  Notification of Auditions

  *  Always advised about upcoming shows

  *  Members only special deals

  *  Invites to social events - including groups bookings to see major shows in the cities

  *  Preferential seatings or ticket offers 


It's easy to join. Just bring cash along and join up at any show (see Head of Front of House) or use internet banking. (Deposit money into Thames Music And Drama's Westpac acct 03 0458 0212427 00 with your name and 'Subs' as reference). You register by completing your details online here.

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